Monday, March 14, 2011

I'm Inferring A Positive Correlation and, [gasp] CAUSATION!

I woke up yesterday with a bump on my eyelid.  Just between my eyebrow and the crease in my eyelid.  Here is what the bump probably closely resembles:
Here is what I perceive the bump to look like:
 And here is what the bump feels like if I forget and actually touch my eyelid:

I'd like to point out that I'm pretty sure whatever the hell is causing my eye to be somewhat swollen and painful is in relation to my current level of stress as it is now finals week, not to mention the NCA submission deadline WAS this Wednesday, but THANKFULLY got pushed back a week [because apparently thousands of people dying in Japan warrants an extension].  It could also be plausible that some menacing insect decided to feast on the delicate tissue that protects my orbital structure.
Anyhow - not only has some disgusting deformity appeared over my left eye, but my acne count has also increased, which, in all honesty, is no surprise to me.  This is a recurrent theme in my life.  As the quarter draws to a close, my skin gets even worse than it already is.  And while I do expect this to happen, I still have yet to build up a tolerance and self-esteem buffer for my terrible skin. [which seems odd since it's been bad for around, oh, you know, 14 years].  So, here is what my skin probably looks like in reality:

And here is how I perceive myself to look [making me want to sport the oh-so-fashionable bag over head look]:

So, I can safely say, from years of repeated observation of stress levels and amount of acne, that there is a positive correlation between the two.  And in fact, I'm going to go so far as to say that indeed, the former causes the latter.  Years of evidence allows this causal inference to be made; as the quarter/semester comes to an end and all of the course finals are due in a three day span my body revolts by producing excessive amounts of oil and betrays my cover of this imbalance of hormone levels by wreaking havoc on my face.

Mind you, I'm coming to these conclusions through my own research, not because medical science has already proven, with REAL science that there is a casual link between the two.  I'm just saying.

So, the moral of this disgusting story kids is that grad school is detrimental to your health, causes you to have the skin of a teenager, and ages your skin faster than normal.


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