Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I'm Never Going to Present

And once again, I got rejected from a communication conference.

I have submitted now to three conferences and have been rejected three times.  The first two I'm not surprised at.  They were pieces of shit that I tried to throw in at the last minute.

This one I am crazy surprised about and I'm crushed.  I finally did an actual study, a good one too!  And I still didn't get in to NCA.

What is it about me that people hate?  My Master thesis defense couldn't have gone worse... I mean, how many people actually fail their defense?  I get torn apart when I present in my theory construction course last spring.  And I'm still not good enough to present at a conference.  I'm feeling a bit screwed at this point in time.  I was really banking on finally being able to present for the first time my third year of my PhD [and honestly, that is SUPER late in my career to have my first presentation].  I just think its never going to happen.  I am never going to be good enough for this flippin' field.

I am so devastated right now.  So devastated.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry, boo. You are brilliant and wonderful - don't let stupid academics make you feel otherwise.
